
This site is all about making innovation happen.

For that I’ll be publishing articles that aim to provide value to the conversation on how to create innovative organizations via technology and what I call the atom-innovation framework which consists of three main “particles” namely research, ideation and development and a nucleus that supplies energy to the model made of passion, concepts and ideas I have been collecting throughout more than 27 years of career in the technology, innovation and IoT industries.

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The Ideation Particle in the ATOM Innovation Framework
The Ideation Particle in the ATOM Innovation Framework

While in principle all ideas are just that, ideas with almost zero monetary value, ideas have a powerful motivatory power. Quoting Carl Jung: "People don't have ideas, ideas have people". That is, an strong idea can posses a person, or a group of people until becoming a reality.

The Research Particle in the Atom-Innovation Framework
The Research Particle in the Atom-Innovation Framework

My previous post about the Atom-Innovation Framework discusses at a high level the three constituent particles of that process we call innovation: research, ideation and development, plus a nucleus that holds them together which is made of passion. In this I deep dive into the research particle. Research seems to me a human activity that allows... » read more